Saturday, February 25, 2006

8-16 1/2 Kill Poker

Movin' on up to the 8-16 game. Check out SurgicalPoker for more pixs and posts.

The game was super tight and a moderately predictable. I bought in for $300 and waited for the big blind to come around. No one raised my 7-2 offsuit and the flop was trash except for an Ace. Four people were in and checked it. The turn comes off with a two and I again check it as does everyone else. The river is a blank and this time I bet it. Everyone folds except on guy who calls and I take down a early small pot with the worst starting hand in poker.

A short time later I peek down and find A-A. Of course I raise before the flop and six people call me. The flop comes 9-7-9. I am in early position which I HATE. I bet it again and two people call. The turn comes up a J and again I bet. One guy folds and another one raises me. I ponder for a second and think does he have J-J and now a full boat? No, I think he has K-K and doesn't want to see a Ace on the river. So, I reraise him. He instantly calls me. The river comes out a blank and I again bet and he calls. My AA gets cracked by K-9--Trips. I tried to put him on a hand but didn't read him well. That premiere starting hand melted my stack of chips moderately.

The guy who beat me turned out to be halfdome-all rock. He only bet when he had perfect hands. He was a good player but never played anything but great hands. I stayed away from him for the rest of the night.


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