Friday, January 19, 2007

In a Coma

Played my usual game today but twice mucked my cards when I could have split or won the pot. I was in a daze most of the time and was lucky to come out even for the session. One board was 10-10-K-J-J and I mucked 8-9 when a guy showed his Q. The board would have played and I lost half of the pot. The second was when I had QQ and two guys folded to my raise. Being in position one and being in a coma caused me to miss that one guy had already called the blinds. I mucked my cards and reached for the pot when he said he would call. Thus, the pot was his no matter what he had. A total f- up on my part. He offered to split the pot with me and I took him up on that one.

Keep your head in the game or GET OUT!


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